Y12 Unit 0 - Class Structure
Y12 Unit 1 - Computational Thinking
Y12 Unit 2 - Networks
Y12 Unit 3 - OOP
Y12 Unit 4 - System Fundamentals
Abstract Data Structures (HL) Year 13 Unit

Types of Networks

IB Standards Covered:

3.1.1 Identify types of networks LAN, VLAN, WLAN, SAN, WLAN, WPN, PAN, P2P

There are many types of networks, for this unit’s problem set we will be using localhost(another name for your computer on a network) on your local area network(LAN). However, you could extend CIServer to be hosted somewhere on the internet, a wide area network(WAN). You could also host it on your computer and allow others to connect to your local network, creating a virtual private network (VPN).

A Local Area Network(LAN) connects computer systems in a relatively small area. This can be a room, a house, an office, a school or a building. Information in this network is not available outside of the physical building and you have to connect to the network through a local switch/router and ethernet cable which allows for fast speeds.

Usually, there is a server running on one computer which relays information to any clients on the network.

A Wireless Local Area Network is a less secure, more convenient LAN. The introduction of wireless routers allows the possibility of people physically close to the building to access the network, even if they are not part of the organization, hence the possible security threat. However, WLAN doesn’t require users to connect with a cable and can instead log in using local wi-fi(which has slower speeds than ethernet cables).

Connected LAN’s form a Virtual Local Area Network(VLAN). Perhaps different buildings or departments within one building would like to have their own network but also provide access to that network to other departments. A VLAN allows for that scenario to happen.

A Wide Area Network(WAN) is a series of LAN(or VLAN or WLAN) connected together. The best example of this is the internet.

A Storage Area Network(SAN) is created when servers are connected to large storage devices. Firebase, and other cloud platforms, are examples. Somewhere, there are physical drives that connect to servers. When we make a request to store something on Firebase, these servers handle where and how the information is stored.

A Personal Area Network(PAN) is similar to a LAN, but instead is used to refer to the set of devices that are used in near proximity. You usually create a PAN by connecting your phone to your computer and perhaps your iPad/tablet. These devices then transmit information to each other.

Peer 2 Peer (P2P) networks don’t use typical client-server architecture. Instead each computer is a node in a network and nodes share information as requested from other nodes. Since there is no central server these networks are more reliable as all computers on the network would have to be unavailable for the network to not be operational. This also makes all resources more widely available and supports easy back-up of files as one node can take over if another fails.

A Virtual Private Network allows clients that are not within a LAN to connect to it. This can be used to improve security for a LAN while still allowing the client to have access to some essential information. VPN’s are also commonly used to obtain an IP address from a LAN by connecting to it, thereby faking the client’s location.