
Criterion B

Task-Specific ClarificationMarks
Description of the project.
Not to be copied from the project instructions, use your own words.
Provides specifications that are precise, measurable and testable.1
Ten or more specifications are included.
Some projects might not require 10 specifications, include those that apply.
Develops and presents a complete Design Plan that includes possible algorithms.
Flowcharts or Pseudocode must be included
Detailed feedback from at least 2 groups..5
Suggests at least three limitations to the original Design Plan..5
A detailed test plan to test the success of the solution.1

Criterion C

Task-Specific ClarificationMarks
A schedule is included and thoroughly estimates the time and resources needed to complete the tasks.2
Contingencies are included.5
The technical skills section includes 9+ examples that demonstrate how the product/solution was developed.
Annotated code screenshots are included for each skill.
Does the product/solution work as intended? Are all the success criteria clearly met? (This should be clear from the Crit D video, from us running your code and from the code snippets that you provide in the technical skills section)5
The Schedule Evaluation fully justifies all changes made. Peer feedback was clearly sought after.1

Criterion D

Task-Specific ClarificationMarks
A screencast is included. It is between 5-7 minutes. The screencast uses the test plan from Criterion B to demonstrate that each spec has been met.3
The evaluation summarizes the positive and negative outcomes of the solution.1
Suggests improvements to the solution.1
It provides comprehensive feedback on the learning that occurred during the creation of the solution.1