The assignment involves processing data from a personality test. This personality test is a variation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The particular version we are using comes from a great book on the subject called Please Understand Me by David Keirsey.
You are going to write a program that processes an input file of data for a personality test known as the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The Keirsey personality test involves answering 70 questions each of which have two answers. We will refer to them as the “A” answer and the “B” answer. People taking the test are allowed to leave a question blank, in which case their answer will be recorded with a dash (“-”).
The input file will contain a series of line pairs, one per person. The first line will have the person’s name (possibly including spaces) and the second line will have a series of 70 letters all in a row (all either “A”, “B” or “-”). Your job is to compute the scores and overall result for each person and to report this information to an output file.
The Keirsey test measures four independent dimensions of personality:
Individuals are categorized as being on one side or the other of each of these dimensions. The corresponding letters are put together to form a personality type. For example, if you are an extravert, intuitive, thinking, perceiving person then you are referred to as an ENTP. Usually, the letter used is the first letter of the corresponding word, but notice that because the letter “I” is used for “Introvert”, the letter “N” is used for “iNtuition.”