Topic 1 - Variables and Data Types
Topic 2 - Conditionals and Strings
Topic 3 - Loops
Topic 4 - Arrays
Topic 5 - File Handling
Semester 1 Projects
Topic 6 - Classes/Objects and Methods
Topic 7 - ArrayLists
Semester Projects


You should do this project if…

  • You would like to understand how Computer Science and biological sciences are related.
  • You would like to study a health-related field in university.
  • You are somewhat comfortable with Java.
  • You would like to work with real-life data.

Starter Code


This project is designed to give you the foundations of computer science in the context of solving real and important problems in the biological sciences.

In part 1 you will read in a real DNA sequence that is meant to create a pump for a cell membrane. DNA provides a blueprint to create proteins which in turn create all the necessary parts for us to stayalive. This process involves a few steps:

  1. DNA starts with one strand and that strand’s compliment, forming a two strand double helix.
  2. When ready, the DNA will split apart and messenger RNA, or mRNA, will create a copy.
  3. The mRNA will then travel into a ribosome, The ribosome will read in the mRNA and create
    amino acids by reading a section at a time.
  4. A chain of amino acids will then form the proteins necessary.
  5. Watch this video and this one.

In Part 2 you will follow a series of steps to search through a Salmonella’s DNA sequence to find specific genes and then use another tool to find out what that gene is meant to do.

Project Setup

Possible Troubleshooting