Y12 Unit 0 - Class Structure
Y12 Unit 1 - Computational Thinking
Y12 Unit 2 - Networks
Y12 Unit 3 - OOP
Y12 Unit 4 - System Fundamentals
Abstract Data Structures (HL) Year 13 Unit

Criterion D Rubric


The video is in .mp4 format
5-7 minutes in length.
Can be no longer than 7 minutes.
Each of the Criterion A success criteria are demonstrated.
Video demonstrates a range of situations including edge case scenarios and how errors
would be presented to the user and handled by the product.
Video demonstrates all tests listen in the test plan in Criterion B.
It doesn’t discuss the development process, instead, it focuses on functionality only.
No written component or word count applies.


All code is pasted into the Appendix
All code is well structured.

– Methods are modular.
– Global and public variables are avoided.
– Error checking is present at all necessary points.
– Errors are handled gracefully, not just printed.
The style guide has been followed.
In-line comments can be found throughout the code. Language-specific
documentation conventions have been followed.
Criterion B, C, and D together provide evidence that the product can be
further developed easily.