Criterion C

Schedule – Schedule (no word count applies) – PARTNER

Be aware of the time that you have to create your solution. Be efficient with time and resources. The plan needs to be detailed and follow a logical order including time and resources. Your plan should be detailed enough so that your peers could create the solution by following your plan. There is no minimum amount of tasks that you must have, but it should be clear that you created a plan for youself.

Make sure to include contingency rows in case you have fallen behind.

You should follow this format:

Task #Task DescriptionPrimary or Secondary ResourcesExpected CompletionActual CompletionTime Spent
1I’ve decomposed part 1a into different sections.
I will work on the readFile() method in the file.
April 161 hour
2I will work on the createData() function in the X. file. I will use the user input to create a list and populate the counts.
NoneApril 172 hours
Code stuff
ComputerAround due date15 minutes
finish part 1
AprilDue dateNA

Areas to consider:

  • Does your plan contain a sequence of logical steps?
  • Is the use of resources explained clearly?
  • Have you made sure you have enough time to complete your product?
  • Have you given time for practising or learning a new skill?
  • Have you allowed extra time or contingencies in case something goes wrong?

Schedule Evaluation (100-300 words) – INDIVIDUAL

The evaluation of your schedule is a short paragraph where you have a peer(s) evaluate your schedule, and provide feedback about what the strengths and weakness and suggest improvements you could make.

Technical Skills – INDIVIDUAL

You need to highlight parts of your program you are proud of or something you think demonstrates a high level of technical skill. These could be things you thought were challenging or you found interesting. 

Please include annotated screenshots of your final code. The annotations should explain what the code is doing. Do not include trivial pieces of code or code that was already given to you. A trivial piece of code could be declaring a variable or creating a text file.

This section should clearly show the reader how your program solved the problem at large. You don’t have to include a code snippet for each success criteria, but you should include enough snippets to be able to see that your solution clearly works.


  • Using functions to break the problem down into smaller problems
  • Using comments to explain certain algorithms, for example, comments to explain math formulas if used
  • Good Style: descriptive variable names, descriptive function names, proper use of white space, blank lines, and proper indentation.
  • Avoiding use of global variables. Use function parameters and return values instead.
  • Using appropriate programming constructs (for loops, lists, dictionaries)
  • Use of the debugger
  • Display error messages to the user when necessary. Make sure to check for errors instead of having your program crash.
  • Validate data to make sure you are receiving expected file formats, data structure, and correct types.

Suggested Timeline of Work

  1. Create a Schedule. Look into the future and try to schedule times when you’ll work on this project.
  2. Ask a peer for feedback on your Schedule. Write a short paragraph evaluating your schedule using feedback from a peer.
  3. Work on your code.
  4. Take screenshots as you build your code; this way you’ll show a process as opposed to just the final code. (technical skills section)
  5. As you work on your code, update your Schedule with the completion dates, and add any tasks that you didn’t include previously.
  6. Submit your code as a zip file and a document for Criterion C (in the same document as Crit B).