Y12 Unit 0 - Class Structure
Y12 Unit 1 - Computational Thinking
Y12 Unit 2 - Networks
Y12 Unit 3 - OOP
Y12 Unit 4 - System Fundamentals
Abstract Data Structures (HL) Year 13 Unit

Criterion B Rubric

Record of Tasks

Record of tasks form provided (zero without) and uses the mandatory template with the correct headers (task number, planned action, planned outcome, time estimate, target date, criterion).
Includes all 5 stages (plan, design, develop, test, implement)
Relates to the product proposed in Criterion A
Updated during the life of the project.
Realistic time frames
Provides detail for the implementation process
No word count applies

Design Overview

Includes detail of the overall structure of the product proposed in Criterion A
Includes a UML Diagram, when appropriate
Includes annotated screen mockups for the UI
Includes flowcharts, a DFD Diagram (1 or 2 levels), and/or pseudocode for the key algorithms
Includes class dictionaries, when appropriate.
Include a section for data structures used.
Sufficient detail about how the product will function.

It should be clear from flowcharts and diagrams how this product will work internally and technically.

It should be clear from the mockups how the product will be used by the user.
No word count applies.

Test Plan

The test plan must address the success criteria identified in Criterion A
Columns included are Action to test, method of testing and Expected result
Testing plan accounts for normal, abnormal and extreme inputs.
No word count applies