Y12 Unit 0 - Class Structure
Y12 Unit 1 - Computational Thinking
Y12 Unit 2 - Networks
Y12 Unit 3 - OOP
Y12 Unit 4 - System Fundamentals
Abstract Data Structures (HL) Year 13 Unit

Criterion A Rubric


Evidence of consultation
with the client/stakeholder/end-user
should be explicit
– Meaningful consultation is described as an initial meeting(transcript or recording) plus follow-up meetings. The transcript must not be redacted to an abbreviated version.
Client interview or questionnaire
or observation in the
appendix(transcript or summary)
Client interview or questionnaire
or observation referred to
in the main text.
– Must mention where in the appendix the interview/questionnaire can be found. e.g. A1 or Appendix 1 SectionC
Phases like “we discussed possible solutions to…” or “the client suggested that…” or “we agreed on the main goals…” are included.
The client is clearly identified and referred to in the main text. 
– You may identify your client by name (Mr. Jones, for example) but there is no need to mention your school name.
The scenario is appropriate for investigation as it gives a clear idea of why the problem is happening and how it can be solved.
– The scenario should make it clear what the problem at hand is.
– Vague problems like the user is bored, the user wants to be happier or the user needs something to pass time on, are not meaningful.
– If possible, include the existing tool or method being used that your product will replace. Explain the downsides of that product.
175-250 words


The choice of the project is clearly justified by explaining why it is needed and how it will help.
– Explain how your product will solve the problem stated in the scenario. If the problem in the scenario is vague, this section will also be vague.
You have used and presented literature research, product comparison, or system observations in your justification.
– Extensive research is not necessary, but you will need sources that back up your claims about the positive impact of the tools you chose.
The choice of the technology stack is justified and appropriate to the scenario. Your selection for software tools must apply to the project, not chosen just because you have experience with it.
– Explain how the tools you chose are ideal to tackle the problem defined in the scenario. State possible alternatives and why they’re not suitable. Phrases like “I know Python already so…”, “I prefer swift over java…” or “Python has lots of libraries so…” are not suitable justifications for a tool.
Templates from the Developing Idea section have been filled out.
Extended writing 175-250

Success Criteria

Criteria CompletedObservations
Functional, security, and accessibility criteria are provided, showing a range.
Criteria are specific and can be objectively measured and are testable.
This should be a bulleted list, so no word count applies.