Y12 Unit 0 - Class Structure
Y12 Unit 1 - Computational Thinking
Y12 Unit 2 - Networks
Y12 Unit 3 - OOP
Y12 Unit 4 - System Fundamentals
Abstract Data Structures (HL) Year 13 Unit


One of the really useful features of Object-Oriented programming is inheritance. You may have heard of someone coming into an inheritance, which often means they were left something from a relative who died. Or, you might hear someone say that they have inherited musical ability from a parent. In Java all classes can inherit attributes (instance variables) and behaviors (methods) from another class. The class being inherited from is called the parent class or superclass. The class that is inheriting is called the child class or subclass.

When one class inherits from another, we can say that it is the same kind of thing as the parent class (the class it inherits from). For example, a car is a kind of vehicle. This is sometimes called the is-a relationship, but more accurately it’s a is-a kind of relationship. A motorcycle is another kind of vehicle. All vehicles have a make, model, and year that they were created. All vehicles can go forward, backward, turn left and turn right.

It’s simple enough to say, yes I get it, a car is a kind of Vehicle and a motorcycle is a kind of Vehicle also. Cars and motorcycles can both turn and both have a make, model and year. BUT, how do we do this in code and why would it even be useful?

Turn to your code. Create the following classes under Lab 3:


Take a second to think which should be the Parent Classes and which classes should inherit from the parent?
Which of the classes is generic enough to hold information for other classes?
Can a Magazine generalize the information needed to create a Phone?
Can the term CISItem generalize the information needed to create a Book?

Getting Started with Lab 3


To make a subclass inherit from a superclass, use the Java keyword extends with the superclass name when creating a new subclass as shown below. While a real-life person can have two parents, a Java class can only inherit from one parent class.

public class Car extends Vehicle
public class Motorcycle extends Vehicle

We can use the extends keyword to create the above inheritance structure within our lab. In this case, CISItem defines information that all Items in the system will have. For example, all phones, arduinos, books and magazines should have a name, location, price and description. However, if we look at the Book class UML diagram, we notice that there is no location variable. This is because it would inherit it from its parent class. BUT, its parent class ReadingItem does not contain a location variable either. This means that our code would look like this:

public class ReadingItem extends CISItem
public class Book extends ReadingItem

Book inherits from ReadingItem and ReadingItem inherits from CISItem.

Why Inheritance?

As we progress through this unit we will find ways in which inheritance will help us create programs with a robust design. We won’t have to rewrite as much code because Inheritance allows you to reuse data and behavior from the parent class. If you notice that several classes share the same data and/or behavior, you can pull that out into a parent class. This is called generalization. For example, Books and Magazines are both reading items so it makes sense use the general ReadingItem class as seen in the UML diagram above.

Inheritance is also useful for specialization which is when you want most of the behavior of a parent class, but want to do at least one thing differently and/or add more data. The example above, in the UML, can also be seen as specialization. A magazine has many of the same attributes as a Book like wordCount and date published. However, a Magazine will most likely have a cover story, where a book will have a title. This specialized data is exactly why we need two separate classes for a Book and a Magazine.

Advantages of Inheritance

  • Extensibility: all child classes inherit the actions and data of a parent class. Furthermore, child classes may add new functionality, extending the parent’s actions and data, or even redefining them.
  • Reusability: child classes that inherit the actions and data of a parent class will not need to be altered in the event that an inherited action or data needs to be upgraded. When parent class actions are upgraded, all child classes that inherit from the parent class will automatically use the new upgraded version of these actions. This fact reduces maintenance overheads as a method needs only to be changed once and all the dependent child classes will use it.
  • Information hiding: the parent class determines what actions and data are available to the child classes.
  • Overriding of methods: child classes may override parent methods in order to implement meaningful actions for their needs. As such, for a child class, inheriting from a parent class means that it can use whichever data and actions needed, as well as implement or improve on any parent actions.